Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Money Is What Makes The World Go Around - 1705 Words

There is a common phrase that used by many people around the world. That saying is, â€Å"Money is what makes the world go around.† Every individual in the world has things and items they need or wish to have. In the modern world, currency is used to purchase every one of those items whether it be a basic need or a selfish desire. In order to have a shelter for living, an individual has to purchase one for a price or even multiple payments every month. In the United States, a person has to use money to buy basic needs such as food, water, and clothing. There are other needs to live in a modern society such as electricity, the internet, education, and transportation. The acquisition of these needs to survive in society causes stress for a†¦show more content†¦It is necessary to find solutions to the problem if excessive financial stress impacts a family unit negatively. Background Financial Stressors Stress is a normal occurrence for all humans. Normalized stress can be healthy for people. Normalized stress inspires people to be productive in their actions (McLaren). Excessive stress is what is unhealthy for people. Excessive stress causes unproductivity, mental fatigue, and can even affect the health of an individual person (McLaren). The same classifications for stress similarly apply to financial stress. Financial stress inspires a person to work to meet their needs and fulfill desires. Excessive financial stress can be unhealthy to the lives of individual people. Stressors are situations which cause people to feel the strain of meeting a need or desire (McLaren). There are three stressors which lead to excessive financial stress: debt, unemployment, and significant loss of money. The definition of debt in the dictionary is, â€Å"something that is owed or that one is bound to pay to or perform for another† (Merriam-Webster). In the situation of fina ncial stress, debt is owing significant amount of money to an organization or individual. In the United States economy, People can borrow money to pay for needs they cannot afford. This is usually for having a shelter in the form of a house or obtaining transportation in theShow MoreRelatedThe Crime Of Jamaican Crime1746 Words   |  7 PagesJake Schommer Mrs. Ribar English 11 7 November, 2016 Jamaican Crime Every country in the world has their own issues that they have to deal with. Jamaica is a strong example of this. Their biggest problem that they face is easily the crime issues. There is really nothing in jamaica that brings in wealth. This is a big problem as there is no businesses so everyone is pretty much poor besides a few parts of the island where the rich live. In jamaica it doesn’t matter where you are crimes happensRead MoreSlavery Speech Sample Essay1083 Words   |  5 Pageswork they are doing around the world to stop child sex slavery. 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