Thursday, January 9, 2020

HR Strategic Plan to Achieve Firms Shareholder Goals - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2020 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? 1.1. Over the years, a new philosophy has shaped the market and the way of approaching clients. Become one of the axioms, the key of any successful business is the level of service provided by the firms. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "HR Strategic Plan to Achieve Firms Shareholder Goals" essay for you Create order Service is an outcome of daily interacting between clients and firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s employees; this is why it is critical to build HR plan to achieve firms shareholder goals and to satisfy employeeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s requirements. Strategic plans are not limited only to budget, sales, marketing and logistics. But, is has to include a detailed plan for the management of human resources before and after employment to ensure good and fair working environment, gain employees loyalty and commitment to achieve the set goals and to Increase employees productivity. HR plans should be in line with medium and long-term business strategy to guarantee correct supply whenever business grow and competition increase. Imagine; without planning to add new instructors, a training institute will accept to register 200 students, while the capacity is 50 only. What will be the result? 1.2. 1.3 HRM activities can be considered in two categories that will emphasis achieving the requirem ents of XXX during establishing and growing phases. Pre-employment: Build up the company organizational chart and reporting flow. Assure that supply of human resources will accomplish demand requirements. Understand human resources profile and their role and tasks. Moreover, recognize correct ways to source them. After hiring: Assign tasks relevant to the job description agreed and set realistic goal. Allocate proper workstation, designated work area. Set clear and fair internal policies and regulations. Implement group and customized continuous trainings. Design Career path for the promising employees. As XXX, strategy is to be recognized among the top five training institutions in the region with 8-10 years. Human resources plans should be aligning with this strategy like: appoint and secure high-educated and sufficient staff who got knowledge and eagerness to learn latest technologies updates, in addition; provide required facilities like workshops occupied with the best learning and training tools. 2.1. UAE is an open market where competition is incredibly tough, individuals looking to develop their own skills and competencies for better career achievements. Companies seeking at least to protect their own market share, this cannot be done without affective and efficient team. Technology changing rapidly, most of the companies are using systematic software to manage their business, employees forced to use PC softwareà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s for reports and many other tasks. Adding to above, law ask for minimum HR requirements to provide license for Business and computer training institution. . We do not forget individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s sensitivity for service, quality in UAE is high, and people are highly demanding for the best. XXXXX in the put up / growth stage, capital already decided by the owner. Location is ready which can accommodate at the same time 3 classes and each class includes 15 students. These factors lead that XXXX have to consider stating up with a minimum staff that can be attracted from other similar companies due to their required experience. XXXXX need to attract trainers with good reputation that will help in getting some students as XXXXX still unknown yet. Suggested startup company structure as below. Working hours Class schedule: Working hours Saturday to Friday Shift 1 9.00 am to 1.00 pm Shift 2 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm Class Room No Class Type Timing Max # of Students Room 1 Computer 9.30 am to 11.00 am 15 Room 2 Computer 9.30 am to 11.00 am 15 Room 3 Business 9.30 am to 11.00 am 15 Room 1 Computer 11.30 am to 1.00 pm 15 Room 2 Business 11.30 am to 1.00 pm 15 Room 3 Business 11.30 am to 1.00 pm 15 Room 1 Computer 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm 15 Room 2 Computer 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm 15 Room 3 Business 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm 15 Room 1 Business 8.30 pm to 10.00 pm 15 Room 2 Business 8.30 pm to 10.00 pm 15 Room 3 Computer 8.30 pm to 10.00 pm 15 2.2 As schools will be off during July August. The institute expect a grow in studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s enrolments in computer training classes; this requires allocating more Human resources to fulfill the requirements in the period prior to enrolments for marketing activities and during the courses time. Adding more human resources, changing working hours and adding more learning tools (PC devices) will be required to satisfy the demand during this period, but; form the other hand, it will be an additional un-wanted cost during other months. As a conclusion, whatever additional cost related to HR activities during this period should not be carried forward in the following months. 2.3 A- SMART target to be achieved by August: Increase of 30% in studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s enrolment in Jul Aug. Visiting 200 schools in Apr May for sales and marketing activities. Limiting any additional HR cost to this period only. B- HR Situation Analysis: Maximum capacity of Computer students per week: 90 students. Maximum # of computer courses per month considering each course 6 days: 4 courses. Maximum computer classes per day: six classes. Sales Marketing: Available two sales people focusing on brining corporate business. Working Hours: 9.00am to 1.00pm and 6.00pm to 10.00pm. C- Forecasting HR Demand: Based on the experience of such cases and on the target required to be achieved, XXXXX needs the below Human resources during Jul Aug and during the prior period for preparation. Type of Work Duration # of people Total hours Sales Marketing / computer Apr May. 42 working days 2 504 hrs. Reception Registration Jul Aug. 54 working days 2 864 hrs. Instructors Jul Aug. 54 working days 3 486 hrs. IT Jul Aug. 54 working days 2 540 hrs. D- Analysis of the supply: Type of Work # of available people Remarks Sales Marketing / computer 2 Both focusing on brining corporate business and cannot change their plans. Reception Registration 1 Working as per the standard working hours. Instructors / computer 2 Working at the maximum capacity of students. IT 1 Working as per the standard working hours. E- HR action plan: Considering target # 3, the best way to limit additional cost to this action only is to use temporary employees. Sales Marketing: sales activities should be in April May to insure the sales increasy in Jul Aug. two sales women can be appointed through companies provide human resources solution and supply. Instructors: once courses type defined, XXXX to attract instructors with good reputation in computer training. classes: add two new classes from 1.30pm to 3.00pm and from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. Working hours Jul Aug: 9.00am to 10.00pm. KPI for temporary employees to guarantee good performance. Additional Human resources required Type of Work Duration # of people Total hours Details Sales Marketing Apr May. 42 working days 2 504 hrs. Temporary contract, 6 hrs./D , 5 D/W Reception Registration Jul Aug. 54 working days 1 432 hrs. Temporary contract. from 12.00pm to 8.00 pm. 8hrs./D , 6D/W Instructors Jul Aug. 54 working days 1 162 hrs. Outsourcing. 2 class/D, 1.5 hrs./class Each course is 6 classes. IT Jul Aug. 54 working days 1 270 hrs. Temporary contract with It company. From 1.00pm to 6.00pm / D KPI for temporary employees Type of Work TARGET Sales Marketing Targeted market is schools; each sales should visit minimum 2 schools per Day. Commission Scheme 25-50 new students 3% of total courses fees / Student 51-75 new students 4% of total courses fees / Student 76 and above new students 6% of total courses fees / Student Reception Registration Work should be organized, filed and timely. Instructor Should attend all classes unless during force majeure. Additional 10% of total fees as a bonus in case of achieving 80% in the satisfaction questioner that students will fill at the end of each course. IT Software issues should be solved same day. Hardware issues should be solved next day, unless spare part not available in market. 2.4 XXXX main concerns are to reach to large segment of prospective clients, and to operate without loses to reach the breakeven point as early as possible. The proposed HR plan for Jul August will help in terms of marketing activities as the sales team will reach to a maximum number of prospective within short period and this will increase demand. Cooperating with reputed trainers will increase studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s satisfaction and they will be great word of mouth marketing tool. In terms of profit and loss: Considering that, all the temporary employees asked to receive their complete fees regardless if XXXXX managed to enroll enough number of students during Jul Aug or not. Type of Work Cost Total COST Sales Marketing 50 AED / hr. 504 hrs. 25,200 AED Reception Registration 25 AED / hr. 432 hrs. 10,800 AED Instructors 9000 AED / Course 18 courses 162,000 IT 50 AED / hr. 270 hrs. 13,500 AED OTHER OPERATING COST 20,000 TOTAL COST 231,500 AED AVG COURSE FEES / Student 2000 AED Break even requirements 116 students 3.1 3.2 Any institution needs HRM policy that insure driving the stuff in the correct path to achieve the corporate strategy. For XXXXX, I will highlight three main policies. Hiring policy: to attract new employees that ONLY have previous experience in similar institutions. Academic Training Development policy: related to head of departments, Instructors and sales team. All of them should attend periodical trainings to update their knowledge with the latest technological developments and recent business development programs. Leave policy: this policy will insure that each employee will achieve a minimum number of attendance days considering three types of leaves, which are Annual, Sick and emergency. 3.2 As per UAE labor law, there are two types of contracts, both of them allow the employee to resign after three years. Considering that XXXX may spend money on academic training for the employees, it is required to sign internal contract guarantee that the empl oyee will not leave unless he finished certain number of years. In addition, as per the law, employees entitled to 30days annual leave. This mean that XXXXX should plan how to cover the shortage of HR during this leave period. 4.1 4.2 XXXXX is a mall size company with organization structure defined if figure. In this structure, the administration manger is acting as HR manager who is responsible of setting all the procedures related human resources management that should follow the policy set by the institution. The general manager will be involved in all HR activates, and each department head will be responsible of HR activities of his team, expect issues related to ministry of Labor and general directorate of residency and foreign affairs, this will be the responsibility of the PRO. In additional, the company newly established and the team just met each other, still there is no clear environment in the work and still the HR could not identify the qualitative and qu antitative outcome from the employees. From this point, HRM should concentrate on building a friendly environment assuring as well that the entire employee will strictly follow rules and procedures. 4.3 One of the basic steps to build a successful strategic plan is to perform an environmental analysis of the institution, which includes the internal scan. This internal will define the strengths and weaknesses on the institutionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s elements including human resources situation, at this point it is required to implement an effective human resources management in a harmony with the institution goals. Such plan effectiveness can be proved by reducing the gap between HR demand and supply. To monitor the performance of HRM plan in XXXXX, they may follow the below to generate the KPI of HRM activities: Domain of HR activity Possible Measures Staffing Time and cost to fill a job Performance of hired applicants Turnover of staff ratio Training and Number Efficiency of training programs per year Development Career development Overall Performance Effectiveness of appraisal process for dealing with poor performers system Ratio of salary and benefits to market Compliance with federal and state fair employment practices Internal Consistency and clarity of messages from top management and from HR communication Culture Effectiveness of information sharing among departments Speed and effectiveness of responses to employee complaints Institution culture and employee relation 4.4 By analyzing current HRM issues, we can identify the reason and suggest solutions as below: Reasons: Centralized management: the GM should take all the decisions regardless of the importance, without listing to employees ideas. Reporting flow: reports should be sent through administration manager only. Shared team activities: NONE. Suggested solutions: Change decision-making process by involving the team in brain storming session and passing some power to division head for better faster reactions. Each employee will report to his direct supervisor. Arrange team outing and other indoor social activities like calibrating employees birthdays.

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