Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Rose for Emily vs. a Long Wintry Death Leads free essay sample

A Woman’s Wintry Death Leads to a Long-Dead Friend† Losing a loved one is never easy to accept. It is important to be reassured by the reality that the best way to honor him or her is to retain their memory in ones heart. Miss Emily Grierson in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† and Frances Dawson Hamilton, in â€Å"A Woman’s Wintry Death Leads to a Long-Dead Friend† both handle the situation of their loved partner quite differently than one usually would.Both stories â€Å"A Rose for Emily† and â€Å"A Woman’s Wintry Death Leads to a Long-Dead Friend† lead to nearly the same resolution, but they have many differences and similarities throughout to make them unique and interesting. The number of differences in between the two stories divides each into its unique and interesting tales. One of those differences is communication. While Emily Grierson scarcely communicates with anyone in her town, Frances Dawson Hamilton is somewhat open with others. We will write a custom essay sample on A Rose for Emily vs. a Long Wintry Death Leads or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Man-servant, who is also a combined gardener/cook, is the only one who is being seen at Grierson’s house within the past 10 or so years.Hamilton, on the other side, has a friend by the name of James Phillips. James Philips visits Hamilton, takes her shopping, and does shopping for her. Another difference between the two stories is the in climax points. Grierson is seen buying arsenic at the drugstore, which she uses to drug her partner Homer Barron. After she drugs him, Homer Barron disappears and she never mentions him. Bernard J. Kelly, Hamilton’s partner, dies from sickness. Hamilton discusses with her friend that Bernard is sick, but she states that she’s taking good care of him and he doesn’t need to see a doctor.While both women keep their partner’s dead body in the upstairs bedroom, their signs are different; this brings us to a third difference among the two stories. Grierson gives absolutely no sign that her partner’s body is on the second floor; Hamilton however, mentions to her friend that there is a man up there. In that event in Grierson’s house, Homer Barron’s dead body is placed in a single bed. Two twin beds are pushed together in Hamilton’s house where Bernard’s body lies so that she can sleep beside him every night. Grierson’s house has started to smell bad due to the dead body, while Hamilton’s house shows no sign of bad smell. A last, but not least difference, is signs of this previously occurring. When Grierson’s father had died, Grierson did not want to admit to the town the death of her father for three days; instead she kept his dead body in the house for three days. Hamilton shows no signs of keeping another’s dead body in the past. Grierson keeps Homer Barron’s dead body in the closed room for about 40 years. Hamilton keeps Bernard’s dead body closed in the room for about two years.The unique and interesting tales in each story shows the differences in between the two. Even though the two short stories share many differences, they also share a few similarities. Both Grierson and Hamilton have their loved partner living with them for a long time. When Grierson’s partner, Homer Barron, and Hamilton’s partner, Bernard died, both ladies secretly keep the dead body of their partner hidden in the upstairs bedroom. Both Grierson and Hamilton refuse to let people into their house, as they might find the hidden dead body.In both stories the room with the hidden dead body has symptoms of amour in them showing the ladies affection toward their partner. The similarities in the two stories connect them together. â€Å"A Rose for Emily† and â€Å"A Woman’s Wintry Death Leads to a Long-Dead Friend† both lead to nearly the same resolution. Grierson and Hamilton both keep the dead body of their partner hidden in the upstairs bedroom. Grierson dies from a sickness and Hamilton dies of freezing during a cold winter. Both Grierson and Hamilton handle the situation of their loved partner quite differently than one usually would.

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