Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Teachings of the Church

Social Teachings of the Church Catholic social teaching is a body of doctrine developed by the Catholic Church on matters of poverty and wealth, economics, social organization and the role of the state and according to Pope John Paul II, its foundation â€Å"rests on the threefold cornerstones of human dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity. † It is the basis of how the short film that depicts how the leftovers of one fast food chain then become the meals of impoverished hungry people.First of all, Catholic social teaching, as mentioned above, is based on human ignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity and has been developed to aid with such matters. Dignity, which is innate, being human makes us all equal, there are no differences regardless of any race, sex, age, or even economic status. Solidarity, that we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all one human race, that what happens is for the common good. And subsidiarity, that there should be a limit on the role of the governm ent.The principles are meant to help one Judge what is fair or â€Å"equitable. † They allow us to look at social situations with a rubric for how they should be andled and how we all should be treated and how we should treat others. The social situation that was depicted in the short film was that of hunger, inequality, and poverty. First we should ask ourselves if what was depicted is fair. Is it fair that people, who have the same dignity as you and me, eat the refuse of others? Is it fair that while people get to live large, there are others barely surviving?Is it not that we are all humans, all with equal dignity? Shouldn't the common good of all be what all people should strive for? These are the questions that the principles of the ocial teachings of the church can answer. The principle of human dignity- it simply means and states that all humans are equal because by being human we are all born with equal dignity regardless of status. In the case, these people are look ed down upon and are pitied because they have to eat what others throw out, it is not fair.We are all equal, and those who suffer from poverty should have the same opportunities as everyone else, it does not only limit itself to the bodily needs such as food, but also life in general and what they should be able to accomplish. We are all equal, equal ignity; therefore we should have equal opportunities in life. The principle of Respect for Human Life- it is that human life is sacred, it is precious at every stage, from as soon as life is conceived to the moment of death, it is precious and should be cherished and respected.How are those with less respected? They are given the waste of others and food is a basic necessity of man and thus is one of the things that allow a person to live and if one is not given the proper nutrition then this life is not respected. Everyone is worthy of protection and respect. The Principle of ssociation- the centerpiece of society is the family, and it is through the family along with other social institutions that promote growth, human dignity and the common good. In the case, was common good promoted?The less fortunate were unable to get the same things and treatment as other people; our families with other social institutions such as the church can help promote common good and actually make a change about the situation that the less fortunate are in. The Principle of Participation- without participation, the benetl ts received through social institutions ill not be able to be achieved and received, The human person has the right to not shut out from participating in those institutions to achieve fulfillment.The less fortunate, the ones in the case as well, should be allowed the opportunities to participate in social institutions to achieve their fulfillment and to not Just live a live of subsistence, one that has them eating the refuse of others. The preferential protection for the poor and vulnerable- Society is marred by dif ferent social classes and divisions and those that are not as fortunate, poor and vulnerable, should be hose who are to be helped first. Why?Because they themselves cannot do anything about it and for the common good to be achieved, those who have more must achieve and allow to prevail the protection and support of those who are less fortunate. For society to be whole, common good must be achieved. Those in the case must be helped, their common good must be kept in mind as well and those with the power to achieve this common good should be able to aid those who are in need. The Principle of Solidarity- this teaching proclaims that we are our brothers' and sisters' eepers, wherever they live.We are one human family; we must learn to love our neighbors. This functions as a moral category that leads us to promote and protect the common good. In the case, those who are impoverished, are they treated as our brothers and sisters? Would you give your sisters your leftovers from the trash? I think not; this principle means that we aim for the common good, we are one human family and all we do should help one another, to not be selfish. The principle of stewardship- The Catholic tradition insists that we show our respect for the Creator y our stewardship of creation.We are managers; we must be morally responsible for our environment. These responsibilities also extend to our use of personal talents, our attention to personal health and our use of personal property. We all have talents, and we must use them for the common good. Those who have the ability to help others out should be able to do Just that, be stewards and protect those who are more in need, not only the less fortunate but also our environment for future generations so that the conditions in future generations may even improve nd that cases like this one will even be extinct. ? The principle of Subsidiarity- the principle of subsidiary puts a proper limit on government by insisting that no higher level of organization should perform something that can be handled by a lower level of organization. This takes away the chance of oppressive governments controlling everything. But in the case the government should be helping as well because the government governs its people and should look out for its common good, providing opportunities for its people. The principles of human Equality- We are all equal ecause we are all humans with the same dignity.Being equal and treating others equally is a way of defining Justice and it is this â€Å"fairness† of what is right or wrong that defines how we should all be treated. In the case, are these people equal? Are they being treated fairly? I think not, and this is a simple principle which means so much because we should all be treated equally and fairly, it s what is required of us, it is what God wants. The principle of common good- the common good is understood as the social conditions that allow people to reach their full human otential and to realize their human dignity.What everyone does, all actions, should be for this- the common good. We are all one human race and advancements by some shoul d be snared by all and we should all be able to snare the same opportunities and resources that will allow us to develop and realize our dignity, which makes us all equal. In conclusion, before enumerating these principles, I asked certain questions about equality, fairness, and dignity. The case depicted in the short film should not be a reality, these principles should be guides on what we hould be able to do to help the less fortunate and end these harsh social realities.I have answered these first questions with these principles and the answer is NO; these people should not be living a life of poverty, that the common good should be achieved, how we have the abilities to help these people, and how we are all humans with equal dignity so it should be that we all are treated fairly, equally, and Justly.

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