Sunday, February 16, 2020

Reliance on computer technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reliance on computer technology - Essay Example Simple tasks such as paying bills, shopping or even booking for a flight can be done over the internet hence making life so convenient and easier than it would have been without computers. Therefore, the big question looming is: Is the reliance on computer technology a good or bad thing? Computers are extremely useful across many field i.e. from doctors, developers, architects, engineers to scientists since they provide a way of making their work easier hence faster completion of work than when undertaking them manually. In addition to a computer being a great aid to work, it has also become a great tool for reference by use of the internet. Computer technology has also provided with an easy way of long distance communication over the internet through means such as social networks i.e. Facebook, twitter, Skype and MSN messenger, and the use of webcam has enabled interactive live video and audio feeds over the internet. (Kikiowo, 2011) According to Grohol, John (2005), computers have also provided an easy way of carrying out academic research through the various search engines available. This is a lot easier and faster than one going through the library catalogue. This in turn has helped students to be more productive and has provided a better learning experience. Computer are also essential in our everyday lives since with them, one can produce many documents with ease, store large amounts of data, share it with friends in different part of the world and also exchange and share ideas. There have been discussions on whether reliance on computer technology has led to deterioration of peoples’ ability to think. Since the discovery of man, the desire to settle drove him to think and come up with new inventions. At this time, there were no computers but he still had the ability to think and come up with new ways of improving his livelihood due to necessity. Therefore, one

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Pharmaceutical industry report in the UK and individual reflection Assignment

Pharmaceutical industry report in the UK and individual reflection - Assignment Example During the process of that transition, a new industry sector prolonged with global scope and opportunity. To support the growth of pharmaceutical sector, there was a big jump in the medicinal chemistry section as well in terms of innovation and development. Due to continuous development and innovation in medical chemistry and other associated parts of the medicine industry; with the invention of more advanced technology to ensure proper detection and treatment of various serious diseases the pharmaceutical industry has rose to its present stature, and continuous support from the governments of various nations with the adaptation of dual roles namely:providing support and encouragement towards medical research and implementing more prominent and strict drug safety and efficacy laws helps the pharmaceutical industry to reach the level in present times. In modern world for the patients across the globe of various ages- the word medicine has taken on new medical roles and value. Earlier people used to take medicine when they used to fall ill or faced any kind of physical hazards. But at present, in the world of modernization people use to depend on medicine/drug to increase their longevity in the world with a more fit and healthy body. Now a day’s people prefer to take medicine not only to cure them but also to remain fit and healthy. With this change in the mindset, the demands for verities of medicine with different objectives have increased many a times. As Daemmrich and Bowden (2005) in their analysis mentioned that â€Å"taking drugs for life has intensified a long-standing hybrid of scientific, emotional, and policy issues around side effects and widespread resentment of companies that profit from drug invention and marketing.† (Daemmrich and Bowden, 2005, p.1) In every part of the world, pharmaceutical industries play a key role in the growth of any